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MBA 616: Information Systems Strategy and Management

"Deploying and managing information systems and management support technologies to create competitive advantages."

MBA 616 covers 7 main concepts listed below that are taught by utilizing hands-on projects, case studies, and discussion forums. You will also find below screenshots from 3 of the projects that are worked throughout the course. 


1. Incorporate various IS and data analytics software tools.

2. Analyze real-world cases, apply IS knowledge and make recommendations.

3. Formulate computer models to conduct a quantitative analysis of business problems.

4. Identify how and why Business Intelligence and Business Analytics techniques could be applied to assist in business decision making. 

5. Demonstrate the ability to interpret analysis results, evaluate alternatives, and to apply basic data mining techniques and simulation models in the support of a managerial decision-maker. 

6. Employ data visualization software to organize and analyze data

7. Adopt basic principles and skills for web development. 


Project 2: Data Visualization Using Tableau & GIS

Tableau is a professional-level data visualization and analysis software tool that allows you to import data and easily create graphs. Try using Tableau Public linked below to see how powerful and user-friendly the tool is. To the right is a visual I created showing the locations that Mag 6+ earthquakes have occurred over 113 years (1900-2013). 


Project 3: Linear Optimization Using Excel Solver

Excel Solver allows users to solve problems while changing more than one variable. In this project, the focus was maximizing profits for a company while varying the products offered. We were able to find a solution for the company on what items they should sell using a tool that is extremely powerful and simple to use after practicing with it a bit. 

Screen Shot 2023-06-17 at 6.31.20 PM.png

Project 5: Data Mining Using IBM SPSS Modeler

IBM SPSS software offers highly innovative statistical analysis, algorithms, and integration with big data. In this project, we ran data from a cafe's sales and analyzed it in a variety of ways, including:

     - Association Analysis

     - Classification Analysis

     - Cluster Analysis

Through these analyses we were able to find what's working best for the company in terms of sales, when the best time to sell certain products is, and much more! IBM SPSS allows you to analyze data sets in an advanced way while remaining user-friendly. 



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